Why Would You Not Own Apple Stock?

Why Would You Not Own Apple Stock?
Photo by Lians Jadan / Unsplash

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Talk About Stocks, You Say? Where Do I Sign?

by Alex King

Earlier this week, Rena Sherbill at Seeking Alpha invited me to join her on their “Investing Experts” podcast. I was, as always, delighted to accept, since I can talk stock for much longer than most anyone can stay awake.

I don’t know if anyone else will find this useful, but I enjoyed myself. We covered $NVDA, $AAPL, energy stocks, software stocks, AI, semiconductors, you name it.

You can find it here:

Apple Podcasts

Spotify Podcasts

Any questions, reach out in the comments field below.

Disclosure - Cestrian Capital Research staff personal accounts hold long positions in, inter alia, $NVDA, $AAPL and others mentioned in the podcast.