What On Earth Is Going On????

What On Earth Is Going On????
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 / Unsplash

All our subscribers, whether you take Market Insight, RIA Insight Pro, or Inner Circle - or even if you just read our free stuff here - are cordially invited to a live ask-us-anything webinar TODAY at 1615 Eastern.

Two topics:

1 - Market review. We’ll cover the major equity indices - the S&P500, Nasdaq, Dow and the Russell 2000.

And then the main event:

2 - “What The Fed Is Going On?!” presented by Yimin Xu, a former pro rates trader who has been writing our macro work for some years now and does actually know what he is talking about, unlike, er, most macro commentators. You can learn more about Yimin's work here.

Don’t miss it. 1615 Eastern, live and open-mic, so bring your best and dumbest questions. (By the way all the best questions are the ones that people think are too dumb to ask. The Second Rule Of Chat in our services is, there is no such thing as a dumb question).

Register here:


We’ll record the session and post it for all our subscribers to watch.

Alex King, CEO, Cestrian Capital Research, Inc - 8 August 2024.