Trade Disclosure Alerts - New Policy

DISCLAIMER: This note is intended for US recipients only and, in particular, is not directed at, nor intended to be relied upon by any UK recipients. Any information or analysis in this note is not an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. Nothing in this note is intended to be investment advice and nor should it be relied upon to make investment decisions. Cestrian Capital Research, Inc., its employees, agents or affiliates, including the author of this note, or related persons, may have a position in any stocks, security, or financial instrument referenced in this note. Any opinions, analyses, or probabilities expressed in this note are those of the author as of the note's date of publication and are subject to change without notice. Companies referenced in this note or their employees or affiliates may be customers of Cestrian Capital Research, Inc. Cestrian Capital Research, Inc. values both its independence and transparency and does not believe that this presents a material potential conflict of interest or impacts the content of its research or publications.

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Folks, those of you who are Inner Circle subscribers receive a trade disclosure alert in Slack before I place any trade in the stocks and ETFs we cover in the service.

As you know I have not been posting alerts for any buys/sells that I carry out in the account I use for Jay's SignalFlow AI for SPY and SignalFlow AI for QQQ services. I'm always happy to discuss how I am using the SignalFlow service in its discussion group. If you'd like to join this service - I love it, personally - you can do so here.

I am also running a modest pool of capital following other service providers' ideas. Generally speaking any such provider will be doing something very different to anything Cestrian publishes. But as a heads up, to the extent I place any small-allocation trades in that account, I won't disclose them - to do so would just broadcast information that other providers are running as a subscription service & this would be unfair to them of course. Since the allocations in this pool of capital are very very small vs. the accounts I use for Cestrian service ideas (typically between 10-100x smaller allocations), I can say with confidence that none of these trades will impinge in any way on the work we publish.

The first such service I am following in this account is an options model portfolio. This is a billable service on X, provided by "BananaStocks". I have followed his options ideas for a little while and found his work to be high quality. Of course the future may be completely different to the past, I don't know. I assume that any money I invest in this portfolio will go to zero, since it's options and I believe that "sizing for zero" is good risk management when trading unhedged options. If you'd like to sign up for his model portfolio service, you can do so here - just go to his X profile and hit "subscribe". For the avoidance of doubt neither Cestrian nor I personally gain any benefit should you sign up.

Alex King, CEO, Cestrian Capital Research, Inc - 27 December 2024.