The Trade Desk Q3 FY12/24 Earnings Review

The Trade Desk Q3 FY12/24 Earnings Review
Photo by American Heritage Chocolate / Unsplash

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A Comp Plan With A Company Attached.

By Alex King, CEO, Cestrian Capital Research, Inc.

Want to know why $TSLA went up so much after 2018-19? Because the board of directors handed its CEO a comp package which would make him richer than several Gods if the stock price went up enough. Want to know why $TTD has a shot of keeping on moving up? Same reason. Comp plan. Never bet against a CEO on a mission with a yuge pay packet in sight, if getting that pay packet depends on stock price performance.

TTD continues to do well.

Financial Summary

Here’s the headlines.

Now, for our paying subscribers of all tiers here, we go on to look at financial fundamentals, valuation analysis, our rating and price targets.