T Minus 4
Adam Has Been Chalking Up The Wins. 4 Days Left Of Launch Pricing.
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He's Too Modest To Say It - But I'm Not
by Alex King
Adam Santana of L2T Securities LLC runs his Trader's Perspective service on our Stocks Symposium platform. It's our newest service and it's off to a great start.
By way of background, I got to know Adam when he joined one of our own subscription services some years back. He quickly became a valued member of the real-time chat community over in our Growth Investor Pro service; and as time went on I asked if he would be interested in running a chat channel there. My logic was simple, which is that he uses a set of technical analysis methods entirely different to those we adopt at Cestrian, that he is comfortable with options as well as stocks (in our own work we are equities-only), and is market-neutral in outlook ie. he likes to trade the chart in whichever direction it is pointing. Long, short, stocks, options, whatever.
I was also impressed that Adam was happy to say that he thought the Cestrian line on stock X or Y is wrong and he thought it could better be traded like this or like that. Personally, I don't lack conviction in my ideas but I always want to hear the opposing argument; in such discussions, sometimes I have proven right, sometimes Adam has proven right, but we both learned something from the other. I can say for certain that my own work has improved through working alongside Adam.
Adam's pay channel, Trader's Perspective, launched right at the end of December 2023 and it's been only-up since then. Subscriber growth has been fast right out of the gate, and his trade ideas have played out very nicely too.
So far, two closed trades. Long $ZIM stock, 42,5% blended gain over two partial sales, now fully out. About three weeks from start to finish. Nice IRR if you care to calculate it! And long $PANW puts, $270 strikes expiring 15 March, 25% blended gain over two partial sales, now fully out. About two weeks' holding period. Currently two open trades, one a few points down and one a few points up; I believe both will work out well. And one further closed trade, 1 day hold, single digit loss, now fully out. Risk, managed. Overall a wonderful start.
By the way, one of the other reasons I like Adam's work is that risk management is built into his DNA, and built into every trade idea. So I believe that even when his trade ideas miss the mark, there isn't an abyss to fall into if you follow his risk management methods. This is the kind of discipline by which professional traders live or die. Nobody gets it right all the time; everyone can manage their risk to protect their downside if they learn over time how to do so. The education available in Trader's Perspective includes just that - how to protect the downside as well as capture upside.
I'm truly excited about the future of this service.
There are just four days left in which you can sign up for Trader's Perspective at the launch price of $497/yr. On January 15, prices rise to $797/yr. So if you'd like to join the community, sign up today to lock in that good 38% discount! Note, you keep that price for as long as you remain a subscriber. Prices will rise over time; your launch price lock-in won't.
You can learn more and sign up by just clicking HERE.
Cestrian Capital Research, Inc - 10 January 2024.