Real Simple AI For The Win

Real Simple AI For The Win
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Machine 1, Wetware Worries 0

Just a quick note to record a very successful first week for our new SignalFlow AI service.

Sat beneath this service is a whole lot of very wise Ph.D-level computer smarts. The SignalFlow AI model crunches real-time and historic market data to ascertain whether the ticker in its sights is likely to hold up or sell off.

Sat above the smarts is a very simple set of outputs that any investor or trader can understand and use.

If the model believes conditions are neutral to bullish, it will message "Risk On".

If the model believes things are getting rough - or are about to - then it will message "Risk Off".

Right now we provide signals for $SPY. We'll introduce more tickers over time but since $SPY is the Big Dog we decided to start there.

Here's the call that the model made this week which plenty of humans did not, because emotion.

Tuesday, $ASML had decide to spoil everyone's party, humans everywhere wondering if the AI free-money river was drying up.

Computer said no.

Computer said, Risk On.

Pretty good call as it turns out.

If you'd like to sign up for SignalFlow AI, consider doing so in October, when our launch prices apply. Prices rise 1 November for new joiners. You lock in your price when you join, so, the sooner you join up, the less you pay.

You can learn more about the service by clicking here:

Tell Me How The Machine Can Lower My Stress Levels

Alex King, CEO, Cestrian Capital Research, Inc, 18 October 2024

DISCLOSURE - Cestrian Capital Research, Inc staff personal accounts hold long positions in, inter alia, $ASML, $SPY, $UPRO