Palantir Q3 FY12/24 Earnings Review

Palantir Q3 FY12/24 Earnings Review
Photo by Compare Fibre / Unsplash

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Still Just A Software Business, Not The Savior Of The Free World

By Alex King, CEO, Cestrian Capital Research, Inc.

Contrary to the occasional protestations of the CEO, or indeed board members alluding to "tendies" for "our retail shareholders", Palantir remains a software company rather than a gift from the Gods Of America to save the free world.

Since the entire Internet has more or less been commandeered to write up Palantir numbers, allow us to provide a very simple take:

The numbers are good, very good; probably unsustainably good - in the end software company cashflow margins usually top out around here (36% on a TTM UFCF basis) if the revenue line is to keep growing.

The stock has been on fire of late and is probably due a pullback.

Here's the headlines.

Financial Summary

Now, for our paying subscribers of all tiers here, we go on to look at financial fundamentals, valuation analysis, our rating and price targets.