Model Portfolio Update
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This post is non-paywalled. It's an update on our Inner Circle service model portfolios, from inception to date, in each case vs. the four major US stock indices on a total return (ie. including re-investing dividends).
If you're not yet a paying Inner Circle member, now's a great time to join. We set up model portfolios several times through the year; if you'd like to be there on day one for the next one, you can learn all about the Inner Circle service, and join up, at this page. Just choose Inner Circle monthly, annual or extended.
OK, so, onto those model portfolios. For now, all four portfolios are outperforming all four US equity indices from the inception of the portfolio.
Core Stocks - Since Inception 7 February 2023.

High Beta Stocks - Since Inception 17 March 2023.

Financial Sector Stocks - Since Inception 23 June 2023

Defense Sector Stocks - Since Inception 24 January 2024

Cestrian Capital Research, Inc - 1 April 2024.