Market On Open, Tuesday 17 September.

Market On Open, Tuesday 17 September.
Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi / Unsplash

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As Easy As 1-2-3

by Alex King, CEO, Cestrian Capital Research, Inc

There are three notable things happening today.

  • The entire market is basically twiddling its thumbs waiting for FOMC tomorrow, so any moves today aren't real moves and offer no signal, only noise. (Unless the WSJ issues a panicky THE FED HAS TO CUT BY [X]% where X is some number that isn't 25 or 50. In which case, take note and act accordingly. Follow Nickileaks for the latest.)
  • Futures contracts have rolled to the next expiry so don't think that futures up big = equities about to be up big.
  • It's September 17th which on seasonality rules is the start of Doom And Gloom in equities from now to October. Even with the pending rate cut and more or less all charts looking bullish, don't be surprised if Gloom kicks in ... and if Gloom kicks in my guess is it's all done in 2-4 weeks and then Wen Moon applies once more. Just my 10c.

As always you should ignore my 10c, because I am shooting from the hip and what I think doesn't matter. But you should read our charts in this note, because they are carefully prepared and right more often than wrong. And remember that all you need to do in investing and trading to beat most everyone in investing and trading is (1) be right a little bit more often than you are wrong and (2) don't be wrong with big money and right with small money. Oh also always read Nickileaks so you don't get wrongfooted by the Fed!

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Short- And Medium-Term Market Analysis

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