Market On Open, Friday 3 January

Market On Open, Friday 3 January
Photo by Melissa Walsh / Unsplash

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If It Was Easy, Anyone Could Do It

by Alex King, CEO, Cestrian Capital Research, Inc

Well, the market is not easy right now. Which means now is when you get set up to make the money that other people will be losing. When markets are only-up or only-down, that's easy. Own $SPY in the former case, own $SH in the latter. You can complicate it further if you like, but there's your basic formula for success in bull or bear markets. But what about when markets are in see-saw mode, shaking out weak hands and causing even old lags to sit back and declare themselves puzzled? This is what I think we will see a lot of in 2025. I think it spells opportunity, handled correctly. This is how I am approaching the year:

Pass The Sick Bag, Marjorie

Short- And Medium-Term Market Analysis

Let's get to work.

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