Market On Open - Friday 1 December
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Has Santa Been And Gone?
Was that it? Did the Feliz Navidad moment arrive already, joy now in the rear view whilst the bears start feasting on the leftovers?
In the last two days we have seen the mighty Nasdaq falter, first with the high-beta software stocks keeping moving up before they too encountered a little weakness, and then yesterday capital looked to be rotating into the Dow. All of which suggests perhaps we have a little trouble ahead in the Nasdaq and maybe the S&P too. Personally my plan is, wait and see. My own positioning remains long and unhedged, but I am ready to add short hedges in the indices if the selling gathers momentum. You can, as always, use our work here in the Market On Open notes to help you decide what, if anything, you want to do.
Before we get to the meat in the puzzle, we have some big news about two new service lines we just launched. And the news is - this:
New! Real-Time Trading Channels At Early Bird Discount Prices!
We are delighted to now offer two real-time trading channels to which you can subscribe independently of this Inner Circle service. Each features technical analysts focused on helping you find attractive risk/reward trading setups.
Full launch for both is 1 January, but until then you can lock in at a better than 50% discount to the monthly rack rate.
If you've yet to become a paying subscriber of our services, this is a great low-cost way to start. If you're already a paying member of Inner Circle (thankyou!) then you may like to take a look at these services because they trade with much greater frequency than the ideas in the Inner Circle service itself, offering you a way to find setups for both the medium term and short term, often in the same instruments.
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