Market On Close, Tuesday 8 October

Market On Close, Tuesday 8 October
Photo by nousnou iwasaki / Unsplash

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by Alex King, CEO, Cestrian Capital Research, Inc

Most everything was up today, except the various promoted China ETFs and oil. Oh and the Vix, which dropped some but not that much. Which tells you that there is still plenty of demand for S&P500 puts, which tells you that plenty of folks are still cautious.

Personally I banked my 10-unit position in $USO for a little over 9% gains; as usual the buy- and sell-orders - and the moving-up of stops - were posted ahead of time for our Inner Circle members in real-time alerts. Oil hit a short-term technical high today and then sold off.

Let's take a look to see if the green in equities looks sustainable or not.

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