Market On Close, Thursday 5 September

Market On Close, Thursday 5 September
Photo by Alrex Omandam / Unsplash

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Don’t Tell Anyone, But It’s Probably Not Going To Zero

by Alex King

Anything can happen tomorrow, but as of Thursday’s close - and net of the somewhat gloomy postmarket reaction to Broadcom $AVGO earnings (see our earnings note here) - equities remain in a bullish pattern up off the August 5/6 lows. Each of the indices, together with the major sector ETFs, are at or around Wave 4 low levels and threatening to break up and out into a Wave 5. If this pattern plays out, the time to become cautious is as those Waves 5 come to an end, likely around prior all time highs - for this is when markets can be most treacherous, at the top of a b-wave that can’t quite make new ATHs and instead turns into a c-wave down that truly will humiliate all late bulls.

We run through all this below.

Inner Circle Price Rises

Our top-tier Inner Circle service will see material price rises on 1 October, to bring the pricing closer to other professional-grade services. New joiners today will pay just $2,999/yr or $399/mo, or a one-time $9,999 for 6yrs. On 1 October those prices rise to $4,999/yr, $699/mo or a one-time $19,999 for 6yrs. Once you sign up, your price doesn’t rise as long as you remain a subscriber. Join today!

(If you'd like to check out one of the benefits of Inner Circle membership, try watching the recording of yesterday's live webinar - you can see that here).

Short- And Medium-Term Market Analysis