Market After The Close - T Is For ... Transitory?
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Party Like It's 2021
by Alex King
In case you managed to avoid electronic communications of all kinds today, inflation came in a little hot, which saw equities sell off some. Oil was up, bonds down in part due to the threat of delayed / no rate cuts arising from the CPI print, and in part due to a weak bond auction. Overall the day looked rather red but really not as red as it 'should' have been if really and truly markets reacted to fundamentals. The Fed is still signalling potential rate cuts and whilst it continues to lean dovish, risk asset prices will, in our view, tend to rise.
We refresh all our charts below - equities, oil, bonds, the lot.
As always, this is for our paid tiers here. If you’ve yet to sign up? You can do so from the links below. Choose “Market Insight” if you want our investment notes only; choose “Inner Circle” if you want investment notes, real-time trade alerts, live weekly webinars and recorded videos, and of course a live 24x7 investor community chat service. Monthly and annual subscriptions available - right here.
Oh by the way. Post of the Day in our world goes to Gains, who runs the Trading Gains service on our platform. On closing out profits in $TMV (short treasury bonds) and opening a new position in $TMF (long treasury bonds), he was quizzed by subscribers on this move. And his answer was .... this:

You can learn more about Gains' work, here.