Is It Time To Buy Software Again? Part II Of A Series.

Is It Time To Buy Software Again?  Part II Of A Series.
Photo by Markus Spiske / Unsplash

by Alex King

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Nobody Wants To Buy Software Anymore

If you missed the first note in this series, you can find it here:

Is It Time To Buy Software Again? Part I Of A Series.
by Alex King DISCLAIMER: This note is intended for US recipients only and, in particular, is not directed at, nor intended to be relied upon by any UK recipients. Any information or analysis in this note is not an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy

Today we move onto the second software stock we believe could make a stand at around these prices and move up. It’s a smaller cap than we covered earlier in the week, a name we’ve covered for a long time. High growth, plenty of revenue visibility, cash generative and the potential to be acquired too. Stock has dumped since February this year but looks like it is holding the line down here. The light CPI print today probably doesn’t harm the story either.

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