Inner Circle Model Portfolio Review
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It's That Time Again
by Alex King, CEO, Cestrian Capital Research, Inc
Righto, been awhile since we did this but let's check in on how our Inner Circle service model portfolios are doing. This is a no-paywall post so that anyone who has yet to join up to our Inner Circle service can get a look-see of how we're doing.
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Anyway. Model portfolios. Here goes.
Inner Circle Core Stocks
This portfolio was established on 7 February 2023; we've made no changes, just let it run. 5 stocks, equally allocated at inception, no cash left over. The model assumes dividends re-invested, no rebalancing, and no fees (since we assume this to be a self-invested model). The index comparables are all on a total return basis, which is to say, again, all dividends re-invested.

+137% to date vs. +26% for the S&P500 vs. +42% for the Nasdaq-100 vs. +16% for the Dow vs. +4% (!) for the Russell 2000.
Inner Circle High Beta Stocks
This was established 17 March 2023. Again, 5 stocks, no rebalancing since day one, 100% allocated, no cash left over, no fees since self-invested model is the assumption.

+79% to date vs. +33% for the S&P500 vs. +44% for the Nasdaq-100 vs. +24% for the Dow and +19% for the Russell 2000.
Inner Circle Financial Stocks
Set up on 23 June 2023. You know the drill - 5 stocks, no rebalancing, no fees assumed, all dividends re-invested.

+29% to date vs. +19% for the S&P500, +21% for the Nasdaq-100, +17% for the Dow and +12% for the Russell 2000.
Inner Circle Defense Stocks
Now, this one was set up not to outperform particularly, but with an eye to capital protection and something of a hedge in case the world got ugly. We opened this on 24 January 2024. Slightly different construction - six defense-sector stocks, of which four had a sizeable allocation and two a smaller allocation reflecting their higher risk profile. Otherwise, again, all dividends re-invested, no reallocation since inception, and no fees assumed.

Rather surprisingly, to me at least! - +10% to date vs. +6% for the S&P500, +2% for the Nasdaq, +3% for the Dow and +3% for the Russell 2000. If the markets rip to the upside in the coming months, I would expect this portfolio to underperform, but for now, it has served its purpose.
OK folks, thanks for reading our stuff. Have a great weekend, and if you'd like to be in on the ground floor when we open the next model portfolio - which will be soon - don't forget to join our Inner Circle service!
Cestrian Capital Research, Inc - 3 May 2024.