HubSpot Q2 FY12/24 Earnings Review

HubSpot Q2 FY12/24 Earnings Review
Photo by Webstacks / Unsplash

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It Was Acceptable In The Noughties

by Alex King, CEO, Cestrian Capital Research, Inc.

Hubspot is a perfectly sensible business doing perfectly sensible things, which is to say marketing and CRM applications for enterprise and SMB clients. This thing was hot about 15 years ago when "inbound marketing" wasn't something that people did. Now, most all marketing is inbound market, so well done for being early and all that but ... is $HUBS really a must-own name now? I myself think not. The company was said to be under the microscope at Google's M&A department; no such deal was concluded and so HubSpot remains an independent business with, in my view, limited claims to fame as regards continuing to dominate enough sectors to warrant a premium stock price.

We rate HUBS at Hold, because of the chart.

Below - available to paying subscribers of all tiers here - we review the fundamentals, the valuation, the stock chart, our rating and price target. Read on folks.