How To Make Money From Stock Charts
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Really Not That Difficult When You Know How
As everybody knows, you need a PhD in an obscure branch of mathematics, plus at least a Masters in human psychology, to be able to use stock charts effectively. This must be true, because everyone is always touting very complicated charts with lots of lines and numbers and “levels” and blah. FinTwit is full of it, and when FinBlueSky becomes a thing, that will be full of it too.
Well, I have news. This is garbage. If you are moderately numerate, by which I mean you can count to five, and if you can articulate at least a handful of letters in the Roman alphabet - actually you can get by with just A, B, C if you need to - and you have access to a computer and the Internet, you can learn how to make money from stock charts.
Please join us for a live webinar on THURSDAY 5 DECEMBER, at 1615 EASTERN. All welcome, no charge, no paywall.
We will be covering one topic, which is, how to understand the stock charts we publish in our work.
We’ll show you how the charts are constructed, we’ll explain the rules we use, and show you how to use our charts to (a) try to make money and also (b) try to not lose money, and along the way we hope we can show you how to create your own charts.
The session will be live at 1615 Eastern on Thursday 5 December, and you can register by clicking this link. We run live and open-mic, on an ask-us-anything basis. We’ll post the recording a couple hours later.
Hope to see you there.
Alex King, CEO, Cestrian Capital Research, Inc - 3 December 2024.