Got Your Investments Or Trades Wrong? Here’s What To Do.

Got Your Investments Or Trades Wrong?  Here’s What To Do.
Photo by Kenny Eliason / Unsplash

Our Inner Circle webinar today, at 1615 Eastern, will cover the following:

  • Review of the S&P500, Nasdaq, Dow and Russell 2000
  • Review of oil, bonds, key sectors and stocks (submit requests via Slack Chat if you’re an Inner Circle member already)

And then the main topic which I know is of interest to anyone who goes near a brokerage screen, which is -

  • What To Do When Wrong

All of us mess up all the time in investing and trading. The vast majority of investments and trades I carry out personally are disclosed in our Inner Circle service - in real time, before the orders are placed - so when I mess up I mess up in public, which brings its own special kind of inner pain but also brings a pressure to fix the problem quickly.

So what can you do about getting things wrong?

Well, first, we can all try to get less things wrong. That’s a question of method and emotion control. We all know this. We all work on it every day. But we all still mess up. So, let’s try to mess up less. Next.

What about if already wrong and you have money pointing the wrong way? The answer is … exactly the same thing. Method and emotion control.

During today’s webinar we’ll talk about the methods and emotion control necessary to solve for the inevitable “oh no I am 180degrees wrong help!” moment. I don’t care whether you’re Chad B. Newbie or Ray Dalio, everyone has this. But not everyone deals with it in the same way. The thing with the Dalios or the Cohens or the Teppers of this world is, they fix the wrong-way trades and move on.

I’ll walk through a few personal “nooooo!” moments to illustrate what not to do, and what to do.

Join us - if you’re an Inner Circle member, there’s an invite waiting for you in your Slack alerts or email inbox depending how you choose to receive those alerts.

If you’ve yet to join the Inner Circle service, you can sign up right from these buttons below. Remember, only the Inner Circle membership tier gets you the real-time before-the-trade-is-placed disclosure alerts and the weekly live, open-mic ask-us-anything webinars.

Oh and by the way, Inner Circle prices rise 1 October (for new joiners only - you keep your price on joining for as long as you stay a subscriber) so if you’ve been thinking about signing up, now’s a great time.

See you at 1615 Eastern! (And if you can’t make that, the recording will be available for Inner Circle members later today).

Alex King, CEO, Cestrian Capital Research, Inc - 23 September 2024