Dynatrace Q3 FY1/25 Earnings Review

Dynatrace Q3 FY1/25 Earnings Review
Photo by Geert Pieters / Unsplash

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What He Said

by Alex King, CEO, Cestrian Capital Research, Inc

I don’t wish to be seen to be lazy, uninterested or lacking analytical insight. But everything in today’s note about DataDog (DDOG) being an expensive and somewhat orphaned point-solution stock at a stage of its life where normally it would be getting hoovered up by suite vendors is also true of its cheaper cousin Dynatrace ($DT). The fundamentals at DT remain strong subject to the usual growth slowing / margins rising story in a maturing software company. The multiples are less painful than for DDOG. But still.

If you didn’t catch that note on DataDog yet, you can read it here:

DataDog Q4 FY12/24 Earnings Review
Tough Spot

Here's the DT headline numbers.

Now the detail: