Dog Days Of Summer

Dog Days Of Summer
Photo by Johannes Plenio / Unsplash

Quick note to our Market Insight subscribers and free readers here. If you're interested in joining our Inner Circle service, you have a couple days left to lock in at the current prices before they go up.

Every week in the Inner Circle service we run a live, ask-us-anything webinar which usually features some presentations on our part - market update, earnings analysis, that kind of thing - and then the really good part which is the Q&A and subsequent discussion in which everyone learns something to raise their game. Speaking personally it's my favorite part of the week in the service. One, we're blessed with a great community of members that I always enjoy talking with, and two, there's always a few whip-smart points usually prefaced by "this is probably a dumb question but...". Now in 25yrs of professional investing I have learned that the best questions are always the "dumb questions" because they are always asked by someone who has taken the view-askew and seen something new, or something from a different perspective. And THIS is how money is made in "efficient markets" which are, of course, nothing of the sort.

This week the doors are open to our Market Insight and Free members here. The webinar starts in about half an hour - 1615 Eastern - so if you want to join us, click HERE to do so.

We'll make the recording available later today too.

If you decide to join Inner Circle, you can do so from the button below.

$2499/yr today, rising to $2999/yr on 1 August.

$299/mo today, rising to $399/mo on 1 August.

Price rises apply only to anyone joining after that date; join now to lock in today's lower price.

Any questions at all, you can reach us using this contact form on our website.

Ask us anything. We’ll get right back to you.

Alex King, CEO, Cestrian Capital Research, Inc - 29 July 2024.