Cestrian Capital Research, Inc

Microsoft Blows The Lights Out

Bravo. Bravo!

Satya Nadella Wins 2023

Yes, yes, NVDA, yes. But $218bn of TTM revenue and a +13% quarter? Smashed it!


Yesterday we said, Time To Decide. Up was the decision.

AMD Getting Ready To Run?

Tomorrow it could get punched in the face. Today? AMD looks bullish. Read on!

If Not Now, Then When?

Decision time. Doom or Zoom?

It Was A Big Week For Tech Earnings

Netflix, Tesla, AT&T, Iridium and Taiwan Semiconductor all printed Q3s this week. We take a look at each of them.

Vixpiration, Perspiration

Vix and index monthly options expire today. Equities selling off despite the yield falling. Next week brings the true picture.

VIDEO: Tesla, Taiwan Semiconductor, Iridium and AT&T Earnings Reviews

Plus our take on the US equity indices and a little on hedged index trading too.

Weekly Webinar - Earnings Edition

No Sleep Till Next Month!

Five Highs

The 10-Year Yield Is Now Scaring Folks Who Last Month Hadn't Heard Of The 10-Year Yield