Adobe Q3 FY11/24 Earnings Review

Adobe Q3 FY11/24 Earnings Review
Photo by Mikaela Shannon / Unsplash

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Another Hot Grandpa

by Alex King, CEO, Cestrian Capital Research, Inc.

Well, in a week when Oracle - Oracle! - set the prairie on fire with tales of rampant revenue growth from the revisionist cloud-denier, we might expect another Silicon Valley Old Timer to also clock in some good news. And Adobe did report a solid quarter, 'cept unlike the Grand Old Duke Of Redwood Shores, the CEO of this shape-shifting survivor did not seem to persuade the market of the same good cheer.

We think the stock can go up anyway though.

The numbers were good, the stock isn't expensive on fundamentals in my view, and the technical setup for the chart looks bullish.

Here’s $ADBE headlines.

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